Not known Details About Spiritual awakening

With the Full Moon on December 7th, their greater plan for your life is now unfolding. And if you have been waiting for things to shift for your life to kind of fall in place, finally, after everything that we have been going through this year, and with their recent Eclipse, and everything, if you will have been really waiting for things to finally align, again to fall into place where you can move forward, and you really have the inner certainty that this is it, I'm on the right path. Now, this is what you will get with this Full Moon on December 7. And in this video, I'm going to share with you the five key things that I really think you should know about this full moon. So you can really make the most out of it, to allow this greater plan for your life to unfold. And the first key thing that I want you to know about is that with this whole greater plan on folding, new ideas of Austin flowing in really giving you those creative ideas, those downloads, that will really help you create whatever is to your highest and greatest good that will allow you to move forward. It's those things that are asked to be expressed through you. Whether it is maybe you feel being guided to maybe start a YouTube channel for yourself or maybe start a spiritual business or create a maybe a program started writing a book or anything like that, or maybe creating something that up until this point you haven't really been aware of the discord wants to be created through you or expressed through you, or anything like that. But you will receive those ideas of those things that will really help you move forward with your life because there is definitely a divine plan that is unfolding and with everything that we have been through with the recent Eclipse. And actually it started all the way back in May with the first eclipse season. And it kind of ended with the eclipse in that ended in November. And so much has been happening so much inner growth has been happening all across the globe, like so many people have been awakening more. And well now we're really at the point where we need to know that next plan that next step, right. And this is really what's unfolding. So you will get those ideas that will assist you in your forward movement to really help you move forward in your life to stay in alignment with that greater planners really unfolding for you. And the second piece here is that I want you to know about is that the higher and more evolved vision for your life is also making itself known to you because what you kind of have to know what is that greater vision for your for your life, what is the greater plan that is now unfolding for you, right? So this these visions are now forthcoming as well giving you insights into what is it really that your soul desires moving forward. And this may also mean that any ideas, any goals, any intentions that you have said up until this point are the things that you thought you wanted, made and also evolved or changed things that you may have wanted up until this point, maybe you don't even want them anymore, but something different, something more evolved something more expansive, makes itself known to you that, hey, that's actually what you want, instead of what you thought you want. So just be aware, like here, I really want to invite you keep your journal handy, write down any insights that you will be getting, because you will be getting those insights, those glimpses of that greater vision for your future, you will gain those glimpses off your soul's higher path. If you felt kind of held back up until this point felt like you were kind of playing small but you have a deeper knowing that there's so much more available for you, there's so much more possible for you and that you're actually meant to make such a big impact in the world, then listen to that and maybe tune into that lean into that, that inner knowing that so much more as possible for you because that will then give you those glimpses those insights into that next level for you that that next more evolved path for you moving forward. Because if you have that inner feeling that's like so nudging you that hey, pay attention, there's something that you are missing, there's something that your soul wants to make you aware of. So you can really have that awareness and really do something about because when you have that awareness when you get those glimpses, those insights into that, that grander vision for your life, well, then, you know, and then you can do something about you can start aligning yourself to that vision. And you can start taking actions towards creating that. And even if it's just preparing yourself internally at the beginning for that grander, grander vision, because some of those things that you may be realizing they will stretch right there may be uncomfortable at first. So just do what you can do to really align yourself to that. But just having those greater visions, those insights into what your soul truly wants moving forward will really be beneficial for you. So keep your notebook handy, make notes of whatever comes up. And then because then you really have that awareness to then act on that. But you will definitely get more clarity and greater insights into what is that path moving forward. What is that greater plan that is unfolding for you? Then the third piece here's that you made an also our nudge to go over old grounds to revisit certain things that you thought you have dealt with to uncover what is out of alignment, what is no longer serving you, maybe you have been stuck in certain situations or have had habits that you have been kind of stuck with are certain belief sets that you have been holding on to, there are simply no longer in alignment with this new plan, this new greater path is unfolding for you. So now you really have the opportunity also with this Full Moon to go over all grounds to really revisit what needs changing what is out of alignment, what simply doesn't fit no more thing of like that. I mean, you are growing and you have grown. I mean, this year, you have grown so much, and maybe even over these last couple of years, you have grown, I mean, each and every day you grow, sometimes more intensely than others, but you're definitely growing and with each growth period where you're outgrowing certain things. So let's say you have been holding on to certain situations or certain people in your life, but you're realizing it doesn't feel right anymore. That is now an invitation to and say, Okay, well, maybe I need to let that go. Maybe I need to change my perception around maybe I shouldn't need to change my belief sets or my view on things to align to that more awakened you that you have grown into with everything that has been going on over these last few months, or this year alone. So just know that now you have the opportunity to really revisit and then realign or course correct if you have to, to be more than aligned with this new path that is really unfolding for you. Because in order to really align to that new path and really step into that wall, certain things that are outdated, may need to fall away may need to be let go. So just be aware of that just tune into your life to see what is out of alignment. And you can tweak things you can course correct you can adjust your viewpoints and things like that you can do something about in order to move into alignment with that new planet is unfolding for you that new path that new you that you have grown into. And that the fourth piece here that I watched knows that with this full moon, you are now also laying the groundwork or to foundation for 2023. I mean December is truly like the third springboard into next year anyways, like really helping you giving you that opportunity to get clear on Well, what do you want next year to look like? What are your intention for the coming year for the next 12 months. And right now with this greater plan unfolding for you visions are increasing ideas flooding in, that's really true your roadmap for the next 12 months or for 2023. And if you really want to get some more guidance around that I just recently created a brand new Akashic Record reading called your year ahead, basically where I give you insights into next 12 months. It's a very expansive reading, giving you insights into each and every area of your life from career to spiritual growth, financial abundance, health and wellness, love and relationship, and even how to really align yourself to your soul path. There are 15 questions that I will be answering for you really giving you clear guidance around that. So if you would like to know what your year holds for you that year 2023, or just the next 12 months from now on, check out the reading. It's in the description below. The links in description below right now also have the seasons special 25% off, so definitely check it out, if you would like to get some clarity and guidance for the next 12 months. But right now, like I said, is really the perfect time where you're laying the foundation, the groundwork for the next year for the next 12 months. So just be aware, like I said, Keep a journal handy write down any ideas you're getting any insights you're getting, you may even put out that question, well, what is most important for me to know, moving forward, what insights are now ready? Am I now ready to receive and just journal whatever comes up and then from there, you can create that plan for the next year. And then the fifth and final piece here is that now you also have the immense opportunity to truly align yourself or realign yourself to your soul's highest template meaning that now you have the invitation to really go within to connect with soul to uncover what are your desires for this this next year? What are your intentions for the next year? What would you like to create? Who would you like to grow into what would you like to experience? Like really get some clarity around that but not from your mind of what you think is possible for you or what you think you can create or you know anything like that or thinking wow, this is too big. I shouldn't do that. Know that I'm talking about that soul desire, like really connected deeply with your soul to uncover what is it that your soul desires. Like I said, if you have been having that nudging or the inner feeling that there's so much more possible for you that you are meant to make an impact and that you haven't really tapped into all of your potential yet. Then listen to that. Then too, when in tune into that feeling that that longing that desire and get cleared up, what does your soul want moving forward, like start crafting that plan for the next year already set those intentions of what you would like to create, what would you like to achieve, because like right now you really have an immense opportunity to realign yourself to your soul's highest plan, that that template of what you have been activated with, you know, a few months ago. And with everything that has been happening, like said, now this is greater plan unfolding for you, so you can realign to that, or you can align yourself to that. But it does take time for you to go within to make that time and space to go within to uncover well what is it that your soul truly wants, because December is truly that stepping stone where you get to lay the foundation for that next year. Because when you already start setting those intentions now in December before the new year even starts, but one that you're not sidetracked by the New Year's resolutions and those type of things. But if you're already getting clearly now in December, it's true that stepping stone because then January starts and you can really hit the ground running, knowing that Okay, now the holiday season is over. And now I can get back to what I had planned on doing. And you can start taking actions. And like I said, if you want to get clarity of what the next year holds for you, check out my year ahead reading link is in the description below. I definitely think you're going to love just receiving that insights, because then you will know what to focus on what to put your attention on what to watch out for what some of those lessons are that you need to be learning this coming year. website So like I said, link is the description below if you would like to check it out if you resonate with that, if that feels in alignment with you, but also I want to invite you to check out a video that I recently released, it's called Embrace your inner calling. This is truly a powerful video, there's also an activation included to really help you tap into that. What is your inner calling? What is it that your soul truly wants to be doing? What is that your soul's mission for this lifetime? link also in the description below if you would like to check it out. So these are the five key things about the full moon for December the seventh? Now how can you really make the most out of it now already mentioned, to keep your journal handy. Because you will receive those insights you will you may even receive you know insights during your dreams. Or during the day maybe you're watching a movie or TV show or something like Are you going somewhere and you're seeing something. So be prepared to receive insights in whatever way is to your highest and greatest good. So having a journal handy or maybe your phone where you can write stuff down. definitely beneficial for you. And just be open, be open to be shown be open to receive the insights and to really tune in to get some clarity create that plan for you for the next 12 months to intercept those intentions to see what is it that you want to accomplish. What is that you want to experience? What is that you want to call forth? Who do you want to be at the end of 2023 get some clarity around that and then because that will help you really align yourself to that when you already have that plan when you already have those intentions for the coming year you will help you already set the foundation now by align yourself energetically to that. Okay, Alexa, definitely check out my reading the your head reading if that's what feels what you feel called to do. Okay, so thanks so much for watching. I'm super excited that you were here. Now be sure to check out this video here about embracing your inner calling. So you can really align yourself to that and uncover what that is. I think you're going to love it and I look forward to seeing you again in the next video until then, make it an amazingly abundant and successful day. Namaste.

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